Now, being the little detectives that we are ... and not a class to turn down a challenge, we decided to try to work out which letters had gone astray.
So, we handed out the letters and made a line with the cards, leaving a space where the missing letters should have been.
... then we set off ...
We started with "H" and headed for the Hall.
The letter "H" !!!!!!!!! We were so excited!!
We had to go past the Library and one of the missing letters was "L" so we thought it might be wise to check there. We were very excited to find the second missing letter.
The Music room was on the way so we decided to do some investivgating there to see what we could find. ...And sure enough, there was letter "M".
We had to find "T" next and we had two alternatives .... the Tuckshop or the Tennis court. We went to the Tuckshop first. Nope! Nothing there.
So off to the Tennis Court.
As we came around to the Tennis court, we could see the letter ''T" on the fence.
We only had one more letter to find. The letter "O". Since we had found almost all of "Alpha-Betty's" missing letters, and we were close by the Office, we felt it would be a good idea to check there and let our Principal know what great little detectives she has in her school. Right there, beside her doorway, was the letter "O". We had found all the missing letters!!
She was amazed!!
We had received the letter, worked out Alpha-Bettty's missing letters, brainstormed a list of possible locations, gone searching for ... and found ALL of the missing letters!!
WOW!! We even surprised ourselves!!
After our big adventure, we returned to our classroom to write Alpha-Betty a letter and
tell her the great news.
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