Friday, 9 May 2014

Help the little guys to write!

This is not a new idea, but you may not have seen it before.
We have been reading
by Narelle Oliver.
Our goal was to write a sentence about something that
happened in the story.
So, for those little ones still struggling with writing and text, they told me their story and I wrote it using a highlighter.
(Yes, difficult to see in the picture ... just squint and search!)

They, then, wrote over my writing to form their story. This technique is great for encouraging those not so fond of writing. It can give them the boost they need.

Just be careful they don't start to expect it all the time, though!
Also, a good technique for beginner name writing.

Fine Motor Skills

Here is a great activity I use in my classroom for developing fine motor skills.
I am lucky enough to have had these great little plastic tweezers donated to me, so I am putting them to good use. If you know a nice nurse, you might be able to score yourself a set, too!
wink! wink!

I start with some little trinkets ... anything will do. These little plastic guys came in a mixed set of collage trinkets.

I toss them into a tub of rice.
You can use coloured rice if you like...

... then using our little tweezers in our little fingers, we count how many items we can remove from the rice.


Loads of fun!